Winter 2014 Cycling Program


As a participant in the Vitruvian Fitness Winter Cycling Program, you will be given a program that is designed to make this upcoming cycling season the best it can be! “For those who dare,” we’ll be riding the Triple Bypass in July to prove to ourselves how well we’ve done overall. Specifically, you can expect:

  • Improved endurance
  • Greater speed
  • Reduction or elimination of pain and injuries
  • Greater comfort in the saddle
  • More enjoyment from cycling

At the beginning of the program and at the beginning of each new phase, you will take a Lactate Threshold Heart Rate Test. This sub-maximal-effort test will determine the training zones we’ll use for each phase of the training. The ultimate goal of the training program is to observe an increase in power output at your Lactate Threshold. We expect most riders will also have an increase in LTHR. However, the increase in power output is the most important success metric. There is a very simple explanation of Lactate Threshold on our blog:

You will need a heart rate monitor for the LTHR test and for all cycling classes. You’ll be instructed to be in certain training zones throughout your rides. If you don’t have one, we have recommendations on our blog at:

Each phase of the program has different training objectives. In the beginning, you will be challenged to focus and improve functional core strength and flexibility. As the program continues, you’ll work more on total-body functional strength, endurance and power – off and on the bike.


Resistance training off the bike is a part of the program throughout all phases but the ratio of time off and on the bike will vary in each phase. Our semi-private personal training is your best first option for resistance training off the bike. In these training sessions, you’ll get the most individual attention and customization of your program. We’ll identify specific movement patterns and muscle groups that are problematic for you, correct them and then build functional strength on top of your improved base rather than putting strength on top of dysfunction.

TRX classes are an excellent alternative for resistance training but offer less customization than our semi-private personal training program. TRX Suspension Training starts by strengthening your core, which solidifies your position on the bike, which translates to more power reaching the pedals. HIIT and Bootcamp classes are also good options but secondary to TRX Suspension Training which will provide the best results for group exercise options.


On the bike, you will begin improving cardiovascular fitness and efficiency. Our group indoor cycling classes will alternate between the ride types that are most appropriate for your objectives throughout each phase. The primary objective here is to get the requisite number of rides in each week without being concerned with which ride is programmed on each day. If you have total flexibility as to the rides you choose, we can guide you to how to select each ride.


At the beginning of each phase, you will make a 4-week plan for all your training.

Start with scheduling and taking your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate. The LTHR test takes less than 60 minutes. You will re-test at the end of each phase before you begin the next one. Just email, call us or see us next time you’re in. NOTE: LTHR testing requires you to be rested and have made other preparations. See below for more information.

Use the table below to figure out how many workouts of which type you can commit to. You can schedule from 3 to 6 workouts per week. If you work out 6 days, day 7 is for total rest – walking or restorative yoga is as strenuous as is allowed.

Schedule the workouts based on when you can get them in. Anytime you see a “+” on the schedule, that indicates that additional workouts of that type are acceptable in order to get in extra work. Two-a-days should always be followed with an easy workout or rest.

The Phases below show the number of workouts per week for either resistance training “Lift” or cycling “Ride”.

In Phases 1 and 2, all strength training takes priority over on-the-bike training. In Phases 3 and 4, on-the-bike training becomes more important. Regardless of when you start the program, Phase 2 ends on February 28. 

Cycling Type Volume Chart


This test is used to determine what your cycling lactate threshold is. You will use your LT to determine training zones and as a baseline metric to gauge cardiovascular fitness improvements. The test breaks down as follows:

  • 20 minute warm up at 95 watts or less
  • 15 – 25 minutes of progressive effort
  • 5 minutes of cool down
  • 10 minutes results analysis

A heart rate monitor is required to take this test. The Vitruvian Keiser M3 bikes will display Polar Heart Rate Monitors only. If you have another brand of monitor, that’s not a problem but you must bring the display.

Please familiarize yourself with the preparation necessary to be ready for this test. If you are not well prepared to take the test, you should reschedule.

  • Good night sleep
  • Fully recovered from previous exercise efforts
  • Minimal caffeine and alcohol consumption 8 – 10 hours before the test
  • Well hydrated
  • Well nourished


As the program progresses, we welcome your feedback. There is flexibility built into the program to accommodate your individual needs, goals, time available to train and budget. For many of you, this will be an uncommon approach to getting better on the bike. For others, the cycling will be a new experience for you. Our goal is for it to be fun and productive for everyone. We hope you enjoy the program!

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